Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'm Official

The rescue is official, we got our Petfinder approval a week ago last Thursday. I spent most of Thursday night, Friday and Friday night, and Saturday getting the home page set up and getting pics and bios of all the adoptables posted. I started getting inquiries in less than 24 hours.

Violet, one of the estate sale kittens, is going to her new home tomorrow afternoon. Her adopters are 3 hours away, so I'm meeting them in the middle to do the contract and transfer Violet into their care. I need to get a little adoption packet together for her - her paperwork, a ziploc of food, a couple of toys, a few pipecleaners. They're a young engaged couple and they're thrilled to be getting their first pet together. Violet will be living with her mom until the wedding, in August 2009. She's such a good, sweet, gentle kitten, I'm sure they're going to adore her.

After I do that adoption, I'm taking Simon to meet his potential new people. They wanted to wait until a weekend to take him, but I think I'll take the contract and his paperwork along with us tomorrow, just in case they decide they can't wait until Friday for him. This is an excellent home, and very close to being exactly what I was hoping to find for him. They don't have any children, yet, but they're young (under 25) and, since he's a pastor, there are often children from the church that come over, so Simon should have lots of children in his life. He'll also be living with a couple of cats.

I've had inquiries on George, TJ, and Nellie, too. I'm going to deny the app for George, he'd be the tenth cat in the house and I think he'd be happiest in a home where he can be the star. One or two other cats, or even no cats if there's a little dog or two. (He just adores Dudley. Dudley used to carry George around by the scruff when he was little, George thinks Dudley's his mama.) I'm mulling over the one on TJ, I don't know if he'd be good with a pair of older cats or if he'd be totally disruptive. He likes dogs, and there IS a cat-friendly dog there. I'll check the vet ref tomorrow, see how I feel after that. And the inquiry on Nellie just came in this evening, so I just sent off an application. Sounds like a possibility, she'd be living with a large, playful male lab, and a large, playful male would be the perfect companion for Nell. She's a little rough with the little dogs, she's a little dominant when it comes to other female dogs (though she's never dared even look sideways at Blizzard), but she's awesome with the boys. I put Nellie, Simon, and Spot all out together, and recently have allowed Seal out there with them for short periods, and they've always been great together.

I did a home visit today for Seal. He's not scheduled to be neutered for a week and a half yet, but I wanted to have a home lined up and waiting for him when he was ready to go. His mom-to-be works half an hour away from the spay/neuter clinic, and she'll just meet me there when it's time to pick him up and we'll do the paperwork then. I think he'll be very happy there, and I think they'll love him to bits. He was so dirty this morning, I had no choice but to give him the bath I'd been dreading. I should have remembered he's half Lab - I put him in the tub and started to spray him and he just stood there with a happy smile on his face. Easiest puppy bath I've ever given. And oh man, once he dried he was so silky and glossy and soft. (I used diluted Palmolive dish soap!) He's really a very sweet puppy, and he's finally starting to become a little more civilized. He's still a spazzy lab mix puppy, but I think something's finally flipped the "ON" switch in his brain. He got 'sit' today, and I finally saw a glimmer of understanding in his eyes as far as housebreaking goes. "Ahhhhhhhh, that's what you want me to do when I'm outside!!!"

I drove up to my mom's and picked her up, then she and Daisy made the 1.3 hour drive with Seal and me. Mom thinks he's absolutely adorable, but "man, he's a live wire, isn't he?!" Oh yes, live wire indeed. I handed her the google maps directions I'd printed out this morning. She got me lost 3 times before I finally got through to her how to read them. "One step at a time, Mom. We do this (pointing) for this many (pointing) miles, then we go on to the next step." It was frustrating. On the other hand, by the time we passed the same pedestrian walking on the shoulder for the 4th time (2 times in each direction) we were laughing pretty hard. We decided to come back a different way so we could make a couple of stops, so while I was inside doing the HV Mom got out the map and figured out a return route. And then, if I hadn't had a pretty good idea of where I was going and so ignored her directions, for the most part, she'd have gotten me lost 3 more times.

Mom used to be so sharp with a map, but not any more. She used to be so sharp about a lot of things she's a little vague about these days. She's still good to live on her own, in the environment she's used to, but for the first time I'm realizing the time will come when she won't be able to live independently. It won't be soon - a matter of years rather than months - but I know I'm going to need to be increasingly more aware of what's going on in her life. I've been going to her house every couple of weeks, I think I should probably increase the frequency of my visits to once a week.