So much nicer than the flat grey-beige with white trim that was in there before. When I get the floor cleaned up, and touch up one spot where the floor paint peeled off the wood filler below it, I'll try to get a pic of the whole thing - walls, trim, and floor - all together.
I picked a paint color for the living room walls, and painted a test patch to see how it would look. It's a little lighter than I thought it would be, but part of that might just be the spot I painted. It doesn't get a lot of light, either natural or artificial, in that spot. I thought about taking it back to the store and having them add the tint necessary to get the next darker color on the paint chip, and I still might do that. Or I might just go with it as it is - I don't want to go too dark or it'll make the rooms smaller. I'm going to use the same paint on two walls of the dining room, and swap trim and wall colors on the other two dining room walls. You can't really tell the color from the following pic, but it's a pale pinky-peach. I've picked a pale minty-green for the trim/2 dining room walls, and I think I'm going to go with a medium brown with just a hint of red called Cedar Plank for the floors.

Test patch in the living room
I picked up some 10-gallon storage tubs for the tomatoes I'm going to grow outside the garden. I just need to pick up potting soil for them, and I'll be ready to put tomato plants out. We're still getting frost warnings - there's one issued for tonight - so I haven't put anything out yet. Actually, I haven't even tilled the garden yet. I'll be a week or so late getting everything in. So what else is new?
The grass got horridly long because of all the rain we had earlier in the month. I can't get my lawnmower started by myself, I'm just not strong enough to pull the cord hard enough to get it started. (Even my stronger sis had a hard time getting it started last year.) So, as much as I hate to spend the money, I put up an ad on the bulletin board at the little grocery store in the village for yard help. I got a call from a very nice young man who came this morning. It seems my mower deteriorated over the winter, he worked with it and could get it started, but couldn't keep it going. So he went and borrowed his dad's mower, and he's out there now cutting my grass. We agreed on $10 an hour and this first cut's going to run me $40 because the grass is knee-high already, but after this it should only run me $20 each time he comes. He's a good kid, a hard worker, he's doing a better job than I would, and he's saving me days of aches and pains from doing it myself, so I think it's going to be worth it to have him come do this, and perhaps some other yard work, for me.
I lost a rescue pup to parvo this week. Poor little guy was pulled from a shelter last Thursday, got transported on Saturday and Sunday, got sick Monday morning, and died on Tuesday. Such a heartbreaker. And what a truly awful disease. I've been so lucky in my rescue efforts, I've never had to deal with parvo before. And I hope to doG I never have to deal with it again. Not only is it heartbreaking to watch a pup keep getting sicker, it's an awful lot of work. In just 32 hours I went through a jumbo roll of paper towels cleaning up gelatinous vomit and bloody stools, and filled an empty 40-pound dog food bag with paper towels and newspapers. And after he passed, I used so much bleach scouring my bathroom, bowls, crate, and anything else he touched that even 48 hours later I can still smell it. I probably overdid it a little, but I just don't want to take a chance that I missed something. I've got the already-bleached crate and the bowls out baking in the sun (ultraviolet light kills the parvovirus) just for good measure. I think I'm going to pry off the shoe molding on at least a couple of the bathroom walls, so I can bleach underneath/behind it. None of the diarrhea was anywhere near the walls but some of the vomit was, and though it's likely the virus was shed only in the feces, I don't want to take any chances. And if I get in any unvaccinated puppies in the next 6 months, they're going to be quarantined somewhere other than my bathroom. I was very careful not to track anything out of the bathroom - I even stepped out of my shoes (Crocs) as I left there and stepped from my shoes to the floor outside the bathroom so as not to bring anything out. Afterward, I bleached the shoes, too.
I've had the beagle/fox hound pups up on petfinder a little over a week without any interest and I was starting to worry that I might have them longer than I thought I would, but I got a couple of inquiries today (an application request for Scarlet, an inquiry on Chance), and a request for an application for Ernie the Shih Tzu. So, we'll see what the apps look like. These pups are very sweet, and have come around beautifully. They're not shy any more, they're attention hogs now. Sydney is a big-time cuddler, he'd rather be on my lap than anywhere else. (Don't tell anyone, but Syd's my favorite of the 4.) Scarlet's sweet but she's one tough little cookie, doesn't take any guff from anyone, period. If another dog even dares look at the toy she's playing with or the rawhide chip she's working on, she really gives them what-for. I've had to correct her for it more than once. A little finger-tap on the nose with "oh no, missy, that's not acceptable here!"
Rosie the Borg dog is cute, but she's a little stinker. Stubborn and sneaky. She got out into the yard with the big dogs today and I couldn't get her back in. I warned her if she messed with Nellie she was going to get herself a good thrashing. But it's been a couple of hours and she hasn't gotten herself beat up yet, and it's been quieter on the patio without her there, so if she and Nellie continue to be congenial I think I'll let her out into the big yard more often. She can get a lot more exercise out there, and that can only result in her being quieter and easier to get along with inside.
Ginger the Papillon is gradually coming around. Last night she took some spaghetti from my fingers, and came back looking for more. Even put her front feet up on my leg, asking for more. She still doesn't want me to touch her when I'm upright, but enjoys having her ears rubbed and her tummy tickled when she's on the bed and I'm lying down. I'm hoping that getting spayed will help, too; she's scheduled for June 16, along with Syd and Ruby the Cavalier. Scarlet, Holly, and Chance are all going in next Thursday. She absolutely loves Penny - who doesn't? - and can almost always be found curled up with her.
I got a great update on Rosie the Cavalier. She's settling in very well, and is bonding with her boy. She even sleeps in bed with him now. I also got a picture update on Seal/Toby this week. Oh my goodness, he's huge, and he's only 6 months old. He's going to be one very big adult!

I need to do a follow-up for both Parchesi and Livvy, see how they're doing. I think I'll go do that now.