Friday, May 04, 2007

The Hummers are Back!

As I sat here looking out the window and thinking, a little dark blur darted up to the feeder outside the window. First one. Little guy looked thin, I'm glad the feeder was there to refresh him after his long journey. I love these little guys, I'm so glad they're back!

Snickers is getting easier. He let me pet him yesterday afternoon. He saw my hand coming and not only didn't move away but stood still and elevator-butted so I could skritch at the base of his tail. Then he came and curled up on the floor about a foot away from my feet. I think, I hope, he's going to be a big-time cuddler some day.

Ivy let me pet her yesterday, too. That means the only cat I won't be able to Frontline this year is Roo. I'll have to be sneaky with Snickers and Ivy but it's doable. It's not, with Roo.

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